Presentation Genres 2º B

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27 Responses to Presentation Genres 2º B

  1. alejandra garay dice:

    link de:

    Alejandra Garay Meléndez.

  2. Good morning, I’m Carlos Carvajal Tejeda from 2ºA. This is my presentation about musical genres:

  3. Daniel Salguero Fernández dice: Hi I’m Daniel Salguero Fernández

  4. Paula Lopez dice:

    Hola soy Paula López Cordero 2ºB

  5. Music genres from Javier Valsera Castro 2ºB

  6. Departamento Musica dice:
    Buenas noches, soy Jesús Sánchez Carrasco

  7. Holas soy Jesús Melendez Matamoros 2ºB

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